Internet Shop Group

About AIS
With AIS we sell and develop products related to the automotive sector. We are one of the biggest online shops for wiperblades in Germany and with our own brands, we want to show that it's possible to produce high-quality products for a reasonable price. Our brands stand for a cool lifestyle and quality.

A necessity taken to the next level
At first sight can a wiper blade seem like a bit boring product and they are usually developed for offline sale. However, we took our wiper Benno to the next level by both developing a high-quality product and a new packaging style that is intuitive and reflects the quality of the wiper blade.


Creating your next outdoor adventure
Owen is our brand that is focussing on outdoor/adventure products. With this fast-growing brand, we are developing rooftents, roofracks, accessories, and more. Owen is present on all marketplaces as well as on all our automotive shops and via our own brand shop.